Hey there Eternal Grace-ers! I'm Eliza, another teen looking for some guidance in this crazy world we call reality.
Luckily, I have a light in this tunnel, and so do you. We have God.
How cool is that? Isn't it mind-blowing to say that you have the Creator of the entire Universe on your side? God's rooting for you, right now, yesterday, tomorrow. He knew before TIME began who you were, and he's proud to call you his son or daughter. How can you not get chills hearing that? And I'm not just saying all this just because it sounds cool and I like to pretend it's the truth. I'm sharing this good news because I KNOW it is the truth- it is the one and only Good News.
So, let's say you're like me. You read the Bible- when you get to it. You like to serve- when your mom makes you. You go to church every Sunday- or, just about every Sunday.
Sounds like you're only going halfway. And halfway to Heaven only gets you to the moon. Man's already been on the moon, so why stop there? If you're like me, you're stretching your hand to Heaven, but stopping short because of something distracting you. God didn't make us to reach for him, he made us to touch him. God made us in the image of himself. Let me say that again- the image of himself. That's right, I'm made to be like Christ. You're made to be like Christ. So why are we still stopping halfway to Jesus?
Maybe it's because we just don't know anymore. We don't know who to believe- our friends a book called the Bible, declaring something that we know not to be possible? It's a tough choice to make, but it's called faith. And it is beautiful.
Yesterday in church we sang a song that nestled deep in my heart and has stayed there. It's one of those songs that makes you feel as if God was singing it to you, and you can't help but shiver. The chorus went like this:
"You make beautiful things. You make beautiful things out of the dust. You make beautiful things. You make beautiful things out of us."
How gorgeous is that? It is so true, too. To me, that's what faith is. Letting God make you beautiful. Letting him shape you into this wonderful Christian follower that you were made to be. We all have a calling to be sharers of the Good News, even if we haven't felt it yet. Your time is coming. Your time might be here. And you can change the world. Right now. Today.
And why not?
I challenge you this week to let God take over. Let Him make you into a beautiful thing. With God rooting for you, you can do anything.
So go share the Good News, be a disciple of Christ.
And Be Not Afraid.
God is love. God is everywhere.