Thursday, March 14, 2013

Stressed Out? Me too...

Anyone here feel stressed out? Well, you aren't alone. With all these exams coming up, who wouldn't be stressing out. Also, sports tryouts for next year are coming around the corner, which doubles the stress. Then planning for your summer activities might even triple it. But not to worry. GOD TO THE RESCUE! I know when I'm about to take a test I pray for God to help me out and help me get a good grade. Of course I have to put forth some effort too, but it helps to know that I have a cheer squad up in Heaven. 

Also, before I dive into the water during a swim meet, I pray. Others stretch and stare at the time board. I talk to my opponents and try to be friendly. I pray while I do my stretches. Honestly, I'm not trying to preach, but I am trying to make a point. Life is about a million times easier when you have God on your side. The stress goes from 10 to 0. Well, in some cases. Even if you pray, stress still exists. When I'm standing on that block and the starter says take your mark, all of the swimmers in my heat take the position. Then, stress levels go from 0 to 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.......

The only thing I'm aware of is myself and the buzzer. 

"Take your mark..." says the starter into the microphone. 

I say this to myself, right as he presses the buzzer... "I can do all things through him who gives me strength." 

Even as I'm swimming, I pray. I try not to pay attention to my competitors. When you're racing, it's every racer for themselves. It's like a Hunger Games. Honestly, the feeling I get when I'm racing through the water is like none I could ever explain. It's the most amazing feeling ever. Even when I get last in my heat, i feel so proud of myself. Partly because I tend to be in the most competitive heats,  but even if I was in the first heat, I'd be okay. As long as I try my hardest, nothing will stand in my way.
So having Jesus in your heart and mind will empower you to do anything you set your mind to. As Michael Phelps once said "there are no limits."