Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Hi!  Hope you are having a good day:)

Today I wanted to talk about a word we use a lot, and I mean, a LOT, in "Christian culture."  The thing is, we say it all the time, but a lot of people have no clue what it means.  So what's the word?


If you took the time to think about it, the answer becomes pretty clear.  It means "it is so," or "let it be."  When you say "amen" you are saying you agree with whatever was just said, or praying it will be/is so.  Other definitions described it as an expression "of solemn ratification or hearty approval," (, or a "declaration of affirmation." (

There isn't much more to say, but I hope next time you say "amen," you understand a little more about what you're saying.

God bless you.  Amen;)


Monday, July 9, 2012


Welcome to Eternal Grace, a blog for Christians. This is from the point of view of a teen, so most of this will probably subconsciously targeted towards teens, but if this speaks to anyone of any other age, etc. then even better:)  I created this blog for two reasons:
A) to provide encouragement to other Christians, no matter what they are going through, and
B) to provide another way to connect to God, both for the readers and myself:)

Posts on this blog will include thoughts on verses, inspirational scripture, encouraging stories, etc, as well as some more random topics:)  There will also be several other authors helping me out!

So with that, a little about myself:

I am a Christian teen growing up in a suburban town in Texas.  I am a dancer, as well as an avid reader and hopeful author;)  After school I hope to expand on this, but for now it's a blog.

Before I close this out, I just want to say that I pray that somehow, someway, to someONE, God speaks through the words typed up on here.  I will do the best I can, but the rest is up to Him.  Amen.


PS:  If I'm being totally honest, I picked the name "Eternal Grace" because I liked how it sounded.  However, the meaning of those two words is a lot more than that.  Check again later for more on God's "eternal grace.":)