Monday, July 9, 2012


Welcome to Eternal Grace, a blog for Christians. This is from the point of view of a teen, so most of this will probably subconsciously targeted towards teens, but if this speaks to anyone of any other age, etc. then even better:)  I created this blog for two reasons:
A) to provide encouragement to other Christians, no matter what they are going through, and
B) to provide another way to connect to God, both for the readers and myself:)

Posts on this blog will include thoughts on verses, inspirational scripture, encouraging stories, etc, as well as some more random topics:)  There will also be several other authors helping me out!

So with that, a little about myself:

I am a Christian teen growing up in a suburban town in Texas.  I am a dancer, as well as an avid reader and hopeful author;)  After school I hope to expand on this, but for now it's a blog.

Before I close this out, I just want to say that I pray that somehow, someway, to someONE, God speaks through the words typed up on here.  I will do the best I can, but the rest is up to Him.  Amen.


PS:  If I'm being totally honest, I picked the name "Eternal Grace" because I liked how it sounded.  However, the meaning of those two words is a lot more than that.  Check again later for more on God's "eternal grace.":)

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