Friday, May 31, 2013

Give and Take Away

We all know God is generous. We all know he is merciful. We have heard and seen of the wonderful things he has gifted us with. But sometimes we forget that he takes away, too. He gives and he takes away, just like the song, "Blessed be Your Name."  But what we don't always realize is that when God takes away, it can actually be a good thing.

I have seen this first hand. I worked very hard for several months to make "officer" on a team I was on in Jr. high. But I didn't make it. I was really upset for a little while, but I move on. The next year I knew I had to try out for the highschool team, which was fierce competition. Only half of the girls on the Jr. high team would make it going into highschool, and I wanted desperately to be one of those girls. Because I did not make officer, I worked even harder for the next year, taking private lessons, extra classes, and everything extra I could possibly do to help me improve and make the high school team. And God blessed me- I made it! God took away the chance of being an officer so He could give me the chance to be on the high school team, which was way more important in the long run. One year missing a couple extra oppurtunities for four years of a million new chances- I would take that trade anytime!  But before God took that first chance away, I didn't realize how hard I had to work or how much better I could become. 

God takes away so he can give you something better. It may not be something you can see right away; you may not recognize his plan for months, years, maybe even decades, but someday you will recognize what He has done for you and you will realize how worthwhile the "loss" was. I have seen other examples of this in my own life, and it never ceases to amaze me.  It makes me so thankful that we have such an amazing God who knows not only what we need to receive, but also what we need to loose. If God didn't take away as well as give, how would his plans for us be fulfilled?  How else would we be able to follow the path he has intended for us, which is so much better than we could ever envision for ourselves?  As the song goes:

You give and take away,
You give and take away,
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be your name!

Thank you, God, for all you give us. But thank you, also, for all you take away!

God bless you,

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